Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I'm keeping this short as my plan last night epically failed.

I had this vision of Johnny and me. Panda bears. Eating bamboo. Chilling. Making life simple like that. Him and me. And fuck the world.

Tonight I I will sleep with my panda shirt that will always remind me of us.

Thursday I'm changing my life and then I'm leaving for awhile.

For now this is all I have to say.

X to the A will save me tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I didn't have my laptop at home for the weekend. Sunday's entry would have freaked me the fuck out. I am still feeling a bit freaked here. Please keep me posted on what is going on with you. If you don't want to post here, my e-mail is ugadawg1@woh.rr.com, please write.

    If you want my home phone, e-mail me, and it's yours.

    I love you, kid.

