Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Busy Weekend

I've been hanging out with my friends a lot. I finally let them in again. I'm making new ones as well. Made out with a couple girls at a party last night. Got too drunk, I'm so hungover today.

Before that I picked up Devon from the airport. It was nice to have him back from tour. We went to his place and hungout for awhile then he made dinner. Then I went to the party to meet up with Scott.

Before that though Sarah, Jay, Alex, Jeff and I met up at the Mercury on Friday. I hadn't invited Debbby really. She and I were on shaky ground and I wanted some time with other people. She kept saying snarky things that weren't funny. Just hurtful. Turns out Jeff invited her so she showed up anyway. I sent Jeff outside to get her when she texted me so she could get in. They were gone awhile so the joke started that they were making out somehwere. When the got into the bar after hearing the joke Debby immediately grabbed Jeff and started making out with him. This pissed me off. A lot.
Debby was supposed to go to the Flash show on Friday too, and I was to give her a ride. So I waited around for her, calling and texting and after waiting 15 minutes longer than I should have I left without her. That pissed me off too. She didn't even have the courtesy to let me know.
At this point she messed with my housing, my music, and now she was messing up my friends. I was not ok with this.

When she climbed into his lap and embarrassed the whole club I was absolutely fed up. I asked her not to take him home. And they left together. It was basically a "I don't care how you feel, fuck you" sort of gesture. She then had the audacity to send me a bunch of angry texts the next morning saying that I had better not be mad at her cuz she had done nothing wrong.

I'm so over the fucking drama. I don't need it. I told her I was gunna take a couple days to think about our "friendship." It doesn't matter though, because I can't trust her around my guy friends anymore. Which in lamens terms means I can't trust her at all period.

Saturday was such a hard day. All I kept thinking about was Johnny, and Johnny's show and feeling really twisted about it. I probably would've felt the same if I had known I was going. But it's hard to tell. I met up with Scott instead and we went to dinner and talked alot about our exs, and then we went to get him a tattoo. It was weird watching it happen for real. I kept comparing the pain to S.I though and thinking it's probably no worse. Anyway I didn't feel like coming home to be alone, and neither did he so we had a sleepover. When I came home the next day I relaxed.

I'm still trying to keep my stress down, and I need to go in for another blood test. I've gained some of the wieght back. It's been a few weeks since the hospital.

I'm stoked for Halloween again. It's been a year since we recorded our demo. A year since Moby. A year since`I rolled with Johnny, which was amazing. A year ago I was still living in Everett. I was different. I'm wiser now. I'm more focused on what I want.

Anyway this week looks to be kinda busy. Jay and I are doing dinner tomorrow, and then Sarah and I are hanging out. I think tomorrow I'll hit the Halloween store and see what my options are. I just like being there either way. Thursday I'm meeting up with Adam likely, and there's a show Friday. Stay busy, don't look back.

Love sent into the universe tonight. I'm open and receptive.

P.S Missing my other Adam tonight a lot. He had what the girl had in "My Sister's Keeper" and they keep showing the movie on HBO. I hope we meet again. R.I.P Love.


  1. Boy, sister, you are staying busy. That's great. The girl you were talking about sounds like someone I would cut out of my life. She sounds like a bitch.

    Love you lots,


  2. Thanks for siding with me as usual SB. I sure love your ass. :)

